Potlucks and Parish Council Members
Hi Church! Let’s party!
It was wonderful to be together this past week in worship, with so many returning from summer travels, and many guests visiting as well. There was a real sense of the joy of the Lord as we worshipped, concluded our sermon series in Hosea (I’m exited to begin a new series this week), celebrated the promotion of children to different classes in The Garden, and prayed for students and teachers returning to school. It was a full Sunday!
This week, the celebration continues, as we have our annual Fall Kickoff Potluck. We’ll be grilling burgers and hotdogs, there will line-dancing, and plenty of time to simply be together. Drinks and everything for the grilling will be provided. Please plan to bring a side or dessert to contribute, and invite a friend to join in!
As we move through the end of the summer, and into the beginning of the fall, there is a great deal going on. Neighborhood Groups will be starting up again in the coming weeks, check one out if you aren’t yet a part of one! We’ll be communicating about these events here and in corporate worship.
One important item to note is our annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, September 8th, following worship. In addition to looking back and forward in the life of the church, and the approving a new budget, our community will also be voting for a slate of two new candidates for the Parish Council.
The Parish Council is an integral part of the healthy functioning of COTC. In Anglican polity the council or vestry, does four primary and key things. First, the council has full and final authority for all matters related to the facility and finance of COTC. Second, the council works with the Rector and Clergy to keep our ministries in line with our values, vision, and mission. Third, the council provides accountability and support for the Rector and Clergy by exercising their gifts of wisdom, discernment, and counsel. Fourth, the council leads by example through Christian maturity, stewardship, servanthood, and praying and fasting for the life of COTC.
From these four primary areas of responsibility you can imagine the kind of person suited for this role; servant-hearted, committed to Jesus and His church, generous, committed to pray and listening to the Spirit’s leading and able to work well in a team. As we approach this meeting on the 8th I’m grateful for the ways God has provided such members of the PC thus far. Blake Mathews and Angela Wong will be coming off the council, having fulfilled three year terms. They have so faithfully served in this capacity and are the kind of people described above. I’m also delighted that the PC together has nominated Gim Singthao and Sarah Funderburk as potential new members. In preparation of the membership’s vote you can read brief bios of Gim and Sarah here.
It is a delight to serve you as rector at COTC. I’m grateful to God for the honor of serving this community and for the part each of you play in what God is doing among us. Please make every effort to be at the meeting on the 8th, formal member or not, as we celebrate what God has done and plan and anticipate His continued work among us!
In Christ,