The Wait is Nearly Here

November 27th marks the start of a new church year and the beginning of the season of Advent. Before then, this coming Sunday, we’ll mark the end of the church calendar with Christ the King Sunday. The whole year culminates with the celebration of Jesus’ reign and rule over all things, it’s going to be great! From that climactic point we head directly into Advent, the season of the church’s waiting. 

It’s hard to get excited for the wait. The payoff is what we’re after. In between time often feels inert. Yet, much is accomplished in our waiting. This is the promise we hold to in every season of Advent. That our waiting, in these four weeks and in the whole of history for Christ’s return, is not meaningless. By God’s grace and the presence of the Holy Spirit much is done in and among the “church in waiting.” 

With its emphasis on Jesus’ return and the coming of his kingdom the Advent season touches on themes of repentance, justice, judgment, preparation, and hope. You’ll see these various themes come up in our corporate worship. You might also engage these themes in your own life outside Sundays. There are a myriad of devotional books and prayer resources for both households (our family likes this one, but there are many optionsfor kids ) and personal use available for this season. Advent has been called a “little Lent” and you might engage the Lord similarly with fasting and practices of alms-giving. All the options can be overwhelming, especially if one is new to this season, my basic encouragement is  to start small and simple with something you can consistently do through the four weeks. 

At COTC we are intentionally seeking to slow down a bit as a community in Advent. I hope you’ll see this reflected in our announcements and calendar of events. Our sermons through this season will include reflections on some specific Advent hymns that give expression to the longings and desires of our hearts that only Jesus can satisfy (check out this playlist). I’m praying that this will help us prepare for his coming and, in the waiting, to more fully become a people of use to the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father. 

Ready to wait with you,


Ps. We’re sending this email a day early because there are two time sensitive announcements. First, the EAST artist’s reception at Christ Church (112 Medina St.) is tomorrow from 5-7pm with food and drink and live music. This is an opportunity specifically for folks from COTC and Christ Church to check out the 12 artists' work (3 from COTC). Second, this week Drew and Bronwyn welcomed a new baby girl, Perry. Due to some complications Perry will in the NICU for a few days, so the family could really use support for meals as they stay with her as much as possible.Please sign up to support them here (the calendar id is 305993 and the security code is 5747), and join us in praying for the three of them

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