Walking, Standing, and Running Together

Dear COTC,
As we continue to lament the tragedy and loss of life in Uvalde and ask what we can do in response, we encourage you to stay connected to community and to reach out to COTC clergy, if you are in need of prayer or pastoral care. If you haven't had a chance, you can also read this midweek e-news responding to the mass shooting in Udalve.

This Sunday, we'll continue in Phillipians, holding onto what we've learned so far from Paul's letter. In her sermon last week, Mtr Sarah, challenged us to walk together, stand together, and run together. I've been meditating on this encouragement since Sunday, especially in light of so much tragedy and the Lord continues to remind me of the importance of community. It is especially in times of sorrow and lament, that we need community. It continues to be our prayer that COTC can be a place of welcome and connection for all; those who are like us and those who are different from us; that we can be a community that walk, stands, and runs together.

For the next three Sundays, we have guest preachers. We're so thankful that each of them said yes! This Sunday, Rev Dr. Jonathan Warren Pagán will be preaching on Philippians 2:1-11. Many of you know Jonathan already, but in case you don't, he's a priest in the ACNA, resident clergy at Resurrection South Austin, and he recently led our lunch and learn on women and men serving together. Jonathan has preached at COTC before and we are excited to welcome him back.

As always, be sure to read to the end, as this week's e-news contains a lot of important information, including news about COTC's first-ever intern!

Grace and peace,

P.S. Thanks to those of you who donated shower kits or funds for kits. Jonathan+ and several people from COTC left yesterday for their exploratory trip to the border and they were able to take hundreds of shower kits. Thanks be to God! Be sure to pray for the group as they spend the next few days at the Texas/Mexico border in McAllen/Reynosa.

P.P.S. As summer begins, we know that many of you will be traveling. If you will be gone for an extended period this summer, we would love to be praying for you. Please send Kimberly an email, so we can add you to our prayer list.