A note from the del Rios


Earlier today, we wrapped up Creation Care Camp 2022! It was a fun, busy, and precious week masterfully led by our director of children's formation, Briana, and an amazing group of volunteers. Briana and the volunteers put so much work into this week and what a joy it was to see the children who attended learning about God's great creation. One of our prayers heading into Creation Care Camp was that the kids who attended would be met by God through camp and in hearing stories from families and my own ten-year-old's reflections, it seems this prayer was answered.

As he's done in years past, our director of music, Andrew, led the kids in worship each day. They even learned a new song that we'll get to hear at church on Sunday. Leading worship for Creation Care Camp is one of the last events Andrew will be a part of at COTC before he and his family relocate. With their time at COTC coming to an end, we asked Andrew to write a portion of this week's e-news. You can read his letter here.


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