Church Miscellany!

Hi Church,

It was great to be together this past Sunday, both in worship and also with our parish meeting afterward!

We covered a lot of important info at the meeting related to the year ahead in our corporate life. If you missed the meeting you can catch a recording of it here (YouTube suggests the above pic is representative of the meeting, it looks like I'm directing traffic, make of that what you will.), and check out the slides here. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the Parish Council. 

A huge thank you to Akim Singthao and Sarah Funderburk for their work on with the Parish Council. Akim did a great job as clerk, serving in the meeting this Sunday. Sarah has been a profound blessing to our community these past two years. She’ll continue to play a prominent role through our “Thanks Be To God” generosity initiative over the coming weeks. 

Please join me in praying for Mark Lopez and Lisa Van Allen as they join Amanda Hays, Jon Ingle, and Brian Bigelow on the council. Amanda will be taking over as Senior Warden, while Jon will be serving as our next clerk. 

As part of the meeting John Porter gave a fantastic and more extensive treasurer’s report related to our building purchase and capital campaign. If you’re interested in connecting further with John one way is to sign up for office hours this coming Tuesday afternoon. 

This Sunday we’re hosting a Newcomer’s Lunch following worship. This is great opportunity to find out a little more about the church and connect further both with people who are new at  COTC and who have been around a while. Childcare is available. Please register here ASAP. 

Lastly, I wanted to highlight for you that COTC is hiring, looking for a Director of Music. More details are below, but please be praying for this process and for the God's provision in it. 

From the Book of Common Prayer, a prayer for the local congregation: O God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of the faithful: Sanctify COTC by your abiding presence. Bless those who minister in holy things. Enlighten the minds of your people more and more with the light of the everlasting Gospel. Bring erring souls to the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ; and those who are walking in the way of life, keep steadfast to the end. Give patience to the sick and afflicted, and renew them in body and soul. Guard those who are strong and prosperous from forgetting you. Increase in us your many gifts of grace, and make us all fruitful in good works. This we ask, O blessed Spirit, whom with the Father and the Son we worship and glorify, one God, world without end.  Amen.

Grace and peace, 


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