God in the Desert

Hi Church,

I hope that it has been a happy and holy start to this season of Lent for you. It was wonderful to be with you yesterday for our Ash Wednesday services. Over these weeks may God draw us to himself, and shape us in the likeness of Son, and the fruit of the Spirit increase in our lives. 

In worship this Sunday Joe Ho will be preaching as we begin our journey with Jesus toward Holy Week. The Gospel reading, which Joe will be preaching on, will focus on Jesus' forty day fast in the wilderness, as it does on the first Sunday of Lent each year. As we experiencing the challenge of this season the story of Jesus, found in Matthew 4, reminds us of how Jesus has gone this way before us, and of the ways that God works in the wilderness seasons and places of our lives. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the passage before Sunday. You might also check out this lengthly, but worthwhile, analysis of one aspect of Jesus' wilderness experience, his defeat of Satan. I'm looking forward to hearing Joe's exposition of the passage, I hope you can join us.

One final reminder, Mike Field's course on the Nicene Creed is happening before the service, and the parenting course is taking place afterward. Details and registration are below. 

In Christ,


Ps. You might check out this article by Kimberly+ on the overlap of Lent in the church calendar and Black History Month. Also, Meena Matocha has a gallery showing of her art at a concert at All Saints in South Austin next week. 

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