New Artist-In-Residence

Dear COTC,

As many of you know, since this past summer we’ve been looking to fill a Director of Music position. This is an important role. Sung worship is an integral part of our weekly worship. Music and the songs we sing are powerfully formative in shaping us toward the goodness, truth, and beauty of our Triune God. 

I’m excited to let you know that we are hiring Jon Guerra to help lead us in worship. Jon is a creative follower of Jesus, a gifted singer and musician, and has a heart for the church. He is also a successful singer-songwriter, many of us have been blessed by his songs over the years. Jon has a wealth of experience and passion related to the church’s worship and will be a blessing to our community. 

Jon will be filling this role part-time and continuing with his vocation as a singer-songwriter when not with us at COTC. This will involve some flexibility on his part and on the part of the church. The Parish Council, Jon, and I are committed to making this situation work and excited about the possibilities, but this will look a little different than what was originally planned. We’re planning to see how this goes over the coming months and we’ll be revisiting this to see how it is working for Jon and the church, etc. Jon’s official title will be “Artist-in-Residence” to reflect the unique nature of this. 

I’m delighted to let you know that Rev. Krista Vossler, who has so capably filled in as an interim director these past months, has agreed to work alongside Jon and to fulfill leadership duties when his other vocational responsibilities have him away from us. Together Jon and Krista will also work to empower our many worship team volunteers in their playing and leading in worship. 

Jon will be starting this role on Sunday, March 13th. Please pray for him, his wife, Val, and their daughter, Winslow, as they join our community and navigate this transition in their lives. Please pray for Krista, Blake, Lucy and Casimir, as she takes on this different role. Finally, please pray for us as a church as we seek to grow in our worship of God and adoration of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit!

In Christ, 


Ps. This next week COTC will be sending out updates emails regarding pledges for the TBTG campaign as well as annual giving statement via email. Please keep an eye out for them! 

PPs. On February 19th we'll celebrate COTC's seven birthday. As part of our celebration we'd love for us all to share things we've seen or experienced God doing over these past years. Please take a minute to complete this form

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