The Lenten Journey


I pray y'all have had a good week. It seems there are reminders of Spring everywhere with wildflowers blooming, South By Southwest happening, and Spring Break for many of our kids. As of today, we are little over 3 weeks into this year's Lenten journey. It began on February 21st with Ash Wednesday services at COTC and it will end on Easter Sunday. The Lenten journey is one of prayer, sacrifice, and charity. Throughout the season we are called to intentionally break away from our normal routine of daily life and to focus on our spiritual journey. The individual ways in which we engage in this season look different for each of us but for all of us, Lent is a pilgrimage – a spiritual pilgrimage to the Cross. It is one we take on our own, but also with other Christians and with God. 

This year as a part of our Lenten practice many of us are reading Esau McCaulley's, Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal. It's a short, but rich, little book that has so much to offer those who are newer to Anglicanism and those that have been around for a while. If you haven't started reading it yet, but you're interested, it's not too late to grab a copy and join us for a conversation about the book before service on April 2nd at 9 a.m.

As Lent is a time of journeying toward Easter, I love the reminder early in the book that in Lent, we are entering the season as preparation for baptism. For those of us that have already been baptized, it is a chance to renew our commitment to God and for those who have not yet been baptized, it is an opportunity to reflect on the beginning of their lives with God. In fact, we'll hold our next baptism service on April 16th, the week after Easter, and as of today we have 15 people from COTC that will be getting baptized! We'll share the names of those being baptized as the date gets closer but for now, we invite you to begin praying for them. 

As we continue our journey in Lent, heading toward Holy Week, I am praying that each of you sense the nearness of God, even in the darkness, and that you are indeed reminded of your commitment to God and a life lived in the light of Christ.

Be sure to see below for Holy Week and Easter Services and note that Maundy Thursday will be held at Christ Church.

Journeying with you this Lenten season,

PS- w'ere in need of extra volunteers for Holy Week. If you'd like to help out at one of the services send me an email. 

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