Pentecost Sunday

“The Holy Spirit is not just in your mind.” 

So writes theologian Fred Sanders in his book The Holy Spirit: An Introduction. Sanders makes the point that the Holy Spirit brings a reality to bear in our lives that is more than thoughts and ideas. “He produces life and power,” and much that is more than cognitive or mental. We rejoice in the life-giving and empowering gift of the Holy Spirit. 

However, Sanders does suggest one of the primary things the Spirit does is illuminate our minds so that we can perceive God and His ways more clearly. Reflecting on the song “Be Thou My Vision” he suggests we are asking God to be our focus, but also asking Him to be the power by which we see all things, and by which we see God himself. “Simultaneously the vision you see and the vision by which you see.” 

This Sunday is Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter the church celebrates and welcomes afresh the gift of God’s life-giving and illuminating Spirit. Join us as we celebrate the gift of God himself, more intimate than we could expect or imagine. Whichever service you attend, remember to wear red, join us following the 11am for our Pentecost Potluck (bring a side dish), and come ready to worship.

May God, by His Holy Spirit, impart to us life and power, and illuminate us to see Jesus, His character, and His ways, in our lives and the world around us more clearly.

Grace and peace, 


Ps. The text from John for Pentecost Sunday is John 14:8-17, and the questions are “What promises does Jesus make in this passage? What do the mean for you in your life?

PPs. Mother Sarah and Father Jonathan are on a diocesan trip this week to London. They'll be meeting with and learning from various creative church leaders and visiting a variety of expressions of the church there, all as a part of C4SO growing in its missional participation. 

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