An Important Church Update

Dear COTC Family, 

"And His Spirit is with us." 

Each week in our worship, we proclaim this truth to one another. We remind ourselves of the truth that the God who creates, comforts, and raises up to new life, is in and among us. We celebrate the intimacy and power of this. You cannot get closer than in. 

Today, I am resting in this reality as I share some important news with you. My time as rector at COTC is coming to a close. That is a heavy thing for me to write, and I'm sure it may be a heavy or unexpected thing to read. 

I, our Bishop, and the Parish Council will be sharing more in worship on Sunday. We wanted to share this news in advance of that time and have enclosed the letters below to provide further information and context. My final Sunday at COTC will be August 4th.   

Please read the letters, and know that myself, our staff and clergy, the Parish Council, and our diocesan leadership are all praying for you as you receive this news. Together we are trusting in the Spirit's presence and shepherding of our hearts. The leadership of the church, along with our Bishops, are already working hard in preparation for the season ahead, and will be communicating further this next week. We are confident in the Spirit's work among us in this season and into the future. 

Trusting in the Spirit’s presence and power, 


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