St. Barnabas & Us

Hi COTC Family,

The Feast of St. Barnabas took place this past week. Barnabas is one of my favorite characters in the Bible. There is not too much written about him. One of the readings appointed for his day is Acts 4:32-37, one of the few places he’s mentioned. 

I like that Barnabas is a background character. I love that his name is translated to mean “"son of encouragement” and the way he lives that out in support of Paul and others. I love the way generosity and an expectation of God’s grace marks out his life and ministry. 

A few years ago I was feeling insecure as I compared myself to others. In that season of discouragement I felt like God gave me Barnabas as an exemplar, someone to model myself after. Since that time I have frequently been challenged to cultivate a kind of openness, generosity, and spirit of encouragement that Barnabas exemplifies. To me he stands as a particularly compelling example of servant-hearted, humble, and Christ-like leadership. 

There is something counter-cultural about Barnabas as an example of leadership. In a world of hype and bluster, his quiet and committed way stands out. He’s a pillar, not seeking platform. 

Barnabas is an example for us all, I imagine. There are various ways we might grow in the virtues he exemplifies. I’m also keenly aware of the ways I see Barnabas-like qualities expressed in many ways, by many of you, at COTC. I see them in the encouraging notes and words that I have received, and that I know are exchanged among us. I see them in the legacy of generosity, out of which COTC was born, and which has been deepened and continued in so many ways. I see them in the myriad ways that staff, clergy, and lay volunteers willing serve and care for others behind the scenes. I see them in the ways that you as a community act with the expectation of seeing God’s grace. 

COTC, I am deeply grateful to God for you. Thank you for the ways you serve, you practice generosity, and encourage one another and me. As this community continues in this way, really the way of Jesus, I am confident that we will continue to see the grace and goodness of God in the land of the living. 

Note: This Sunday's' reading from John is John 14:18-31. Read the passage over and consider these questions "What do you notice Jesus giving his disciples in this passage? What promises and perspectives are being given and to what end?" 

In Christ,


Ps. There are always opportunities to participate in the grace of service at COTC. You can learn more about service teams here. You can sign up to help with the Parish Work Day next Saturday here

Pps. We Coelhos want to hang out with you! As we anticipate our move later this summer we’d love to spend time with the COTC community. See below for three different opportunities to share the table with us at different homes of COTCers throughout the city. These will be casual potlucks with an opportunity for us to chat, and celebrate God’s goodness over these many years at COTC. We’ll also be having a church-wide celebration on Saturday, August 3rd!

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