Time To Celebrate!

Throughout the whole of Scripture there are times set aside specifically for celebration. Whether it is the year of Jubilee, the Feast of Tabernacles, or Jesus himself at a wedding or dinner, it is clear from the Bible that there are times when the people of God must gather to have a party (usually with food!). For us, this Sunday is one of those times! 

I’m so looking forward to the Grand Opening this Sunday! This is chance for us to celebrate together as we are established as a new Anglican church in and for the city. We’ve been worshiping together for two months and God has been so very good!

This is also a tremendous opportunity for us to practice hospitality as we welcome our neighbors, friends and family members. Each week, we receive the glorious hospitality of God at the Eucharist, and this week especially we have the chance to turn that hospitality outward as we receive guests. Please join me in praying for our guests, inviting others and welcoming warmly all who come this Sunday.

Regarding details for the party, we will gather after worship in the Phillips Event Center. Brisket from Bert’s will be available. Please remember to bring a side to share—you can drop it off in the kitchen when you arrive for worship. Immediately following the service, we will move some tables and chairs. Please be ready to lend a hand if needed or to welcome any guests you see! We will also have a bouncy castle and balloon animals available for kids, along with Amy’s Ice Cream for dessert.

I so enjoying doing this with you!

Grace and Peace, 

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