What a tremendous day together this past Sunday! It was such a day of life, worship, celebration and hospitality. Thanks to all of you for serving, welcoming and inviting. It was definitely a grand opening and a wonderful taste of how Christ is faithfully building his church. Praise be to God!

Turning from the celebration of this past Sunday, next week marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and covers the six weeks leading up to Easter Sunday. These rich weeks are marked by recognition of our own sin and brokenness, and intentional engagement in practices that train us in Christ-like holiness. Every year Lent is a reminder that, as people on the way, we have not yet arrived. Every year this season is a call to shape our bodies, ourselves and our lives in faithful response to Jesus’ call.

In the coming Sundays you will notice some different elements to our corporate worship as we mark the season. I also want to encourage you as Ash Wednesday approaches to consider what different practices, of both abstinence (fasting, silence, sacrifice and the like) and engagement (prayer, study, service and others), that you might take on for this season. Let us joyfully enter into this season fully as we seek to follow Jesus more closely. 

In Christ, 

Praise be to God for a wonderful Grand Opening. 

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