Consecrated Unto God

Hi COTC Family! 

It was a joy to be together this past Sunday! With the beginning of the Thanks Be To God Campaign, Bishop Flavio’s presence with us, and the arrival of the goats, it was a particularly full and rich time together. 

This coming weekend will also be a significant one. Beginning with tonight’s time of worship, COTC is privileged to host the Launch Conference for our diocesan Diaspora Network. I hope you can join us for worship this evening. Please be praying for Father Jonathan as he leads this endeavor and for a fruitful and joyous time of connection and new opportunities for kingdom fruitfulness. I am so deeply grateful that COTC has the honor to participate in this. Please also pray for Mother Kimberly as she MC’s the conference! 

Our Bishop, Todd Hunter, will be here for the conference and will be joining us for worship on Sunday. With his presence, and in relation to the Thanks Be To God Campaign, our service will begin with a specific liturgy related to the consecration of the building to the glory of God. 

The consecration of this physical space relates to our understanding of how material and physical things can convey God’s grace. We desire that the building and property be used to God’s glory and become tools for His plans and purposes for us and for those around us. The liturgy on Sunday will mark this out, setting aside the building as sacred space, devoted to the worship of Jesus and participation in his mission. I hope you can join us! We’ll begin worship outside on the front lawn (much like we do for Palm Sunday) and process in together. Plan to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy some refreshments and time together outside.

Grace and peace,


Ps. We began praying Morning and Evening Prayer yesterday at the church building. We’ll be doing this over the next five weeks, along with midday prayer online. This is part of our corporate engagement with prayer this season, and is a small piece of making the building a “house of prayer.”  Read below for more details.

Pps. Registration for the Parish Retreat is filling up quickly. The deadline for registration is this Wednesday, October 12th. If you are a parent planning to register a child under the age of 5, please contact Briana as space for that age is quite limited at this point.  

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