The Cup of Salvation

Dear COTC Family, 

You’ll notice a shift in how we celebrate the Eucharist this Sunday. For well over a year and a half now we’ve been receiving the wine at the table in individual plastic cups, given out one per household. This was an adapted way of offering communion in both kinds during the pandemic. In a lot of ways it was a very imperfect solution. 

Holy Communion functions as an expression of the togetherness that is ours in Christ. The “common cup” is a most basic embodiment of this. Every Sunday we gather together from our various walks of life to share in receiving the spiritual food and drink of Christ’s body and blood. 

Beginning this Sunday, we’ll be returning to the use of a common cup during our celebration of the Eucharist. Everyone coming forward will receive the bread and have the opportunity to dip (intinct) their piece of bread into the chalice. For those of us who worshipped at COTC prior to the pandemic, this will be a return to form (though we are asking folks to avoid drinking directly from the cup) and for those of us who have come more recently, this change may feel less familiar. 

This change is meant to better express the theological reality that we are one in Christ, sharing in his one baptism, and brought together as his body. 

As we return to this practice, I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will help us to live with great depth into the unity that we share through Jesus. For anyone who might feel uncomfortable with this change, please feel free to reach out with any questions. Additionally, I want to emphasize that the teaching of the historic church has long been that we receive Jesus in the bread or wine by themselves. You are free to come and receive the body of Christ without partaking of the wine, confident that by the Holy Spirit, Jesus will meet you.

Together with you in Christ,


Ps. We will continue with the "Thanks Be To God" campaign this Sunday focussing on the ministry and mission of the church. A fun aspect of these Sundays has been hearing from different members of our community reflect upon their experiences of COTC and their hopes for the future. This week Mark and Alli Lopez wrote thisreflection.  

Additionally, this 21-day devotional is a resource to use as we continue to ask "Heavenly Father, how are you inviting me to participate?" We'll have some hard copies available on Sunday as well. Finally, you can find a more detailed brochure with information related to the vision of the capital campaign here, including some FAQs. Physical copies of this will also be available on Sunday. If you have any questions regarding the campaign feel free to reach out here

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