Coelho Sabbatical

Hi Church, 

Two quick things to highlight before I jump into info about our upcoming sabbatical. If you haven’t already had a chance please go ahead and complete this survey related to our purchase of the new property. Second, if you are male and to join us go ahead and sign up for the men’s retreat here. The women’s retreat is already full! 

As the Parish Council communicated last week in this letter, we Coelhos are headed on sabbatical later this spring. Check out this doc for more information.

We are grateful for the generosity and care of the church in providing this time for us. We’re excited for the ways God will use this time to bless us as a family as well as the church. Our plan is to be away from Austin for the majority of the time, beginning at the end of April and returning in mid-August. The goals we have for our family are:

  1. Rest and restoration. We are anticipating the ways it will be good to cease from our work and everyday rhythms for a season, allowing God to work through the unique space this opens up. We look forward to spending time in creation, time of spiritual retreat (Shannon and I will both take time on retreat alone), play, reading, and prayer.

  2. Connecting with the global body of Christ. We have deliberately planned our travel around some opportunities for the four us to participate in worship, prayer, and life with Christians from around the world. These include Brazilian missionaries in Europe, a charismatic Catholic monastic community (we will spend Pentecost here), and long-time friends in who pastor in Great Britain. We are excited about how the Spirit will form us through this time with sisters and brothers from around the world.

  3. Vision, clarity and strength or the season ahead. Both Shannon and I are eager to hear from the Lord regarding the use of our gifts and abilities in this next phase of life.

We are eager also for this time to bless the COTC community as well. I see this blessing working out in a couple of ways at COTC: 

  1. The church can live into the truth that it not dependent upon any one person, least of all the rector. That COTC is in the position and able to do this, and able to move through the sabbatical season is a testimony to God’s maturation of our community.

  2. A deeper appreciation of rest and restoration. As Anglicans we have a value for rhythms, including rhythms of rest. The sabbatical presents an opportunity for us to grow in our embodiment of it as a God-honoring and essential part of a life well-lived.

  3. Through opportunities for other leaders to exercise their gifts. God has brought together a wonderful team of clergy, staff, and lay leaders in our community. The various opportunities opened up by the sabbatical for leadership in various ways will have a benefit in individual lives and in the life of the church, to the glory of God. I’m excited about the roster of preachers from both within COTC and beyond who will be opening God’s Word (specifically the book of Philippians) in the months to come. This also might be a season where God is calling you to step in to service with one of our volunteer teams, email Kimberly to find out more!

  4. The church will receive back a more rested and focussed rector and rector’s family. I can’t help but think my own renewal and sense of receiving from God with regard to my vocation will bless and serve the church moving into the future.

During our sabbatical the work of the church will continue and deepen. COTC will continue to proclaim the Gospel in Word and Sacrament, to gather as the people of God in our neighborhoods, and seek ways to serve others in the name of Jesus. Work will be happening behind the scenes related to inhabiting our new property well and continuing with the capital campaign for the next stage of our life. Summer Pods, Creation Care Camp, and our Pentecost Potluck other events will all take place as the church moves through the summer.

We Coelhos look forward to joyfully reuniting with y’all in worship on August 21st, and sharing in all that God will have done at COTC and with us as family. Our last Sunday before going will be April 24th, until then please join us in praying for God’s abundant blessing for us all in this time. 

With much gratitude,

Peter+ (on behalf of Shannon, Lucy, & Emmett)

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