Enjoy the Miracle

There is a miracle in those first two words. “Our Father.” The beauty and full weight of these words are easily glossed over. But the reality to which they point is staggering. That we can enter into such a relationship, as sinful and broken human people, with a holy and living God is nothing short of a miracle, born out of God’s desire and costly sacrifice. 

Beyond the relationship that we have, such access is equally remarkable. In prayer, we are able to enter into the highest places with the most intimate cares and concerns of our lives, in confidence. At anytime, wherever we are, we have the assurance that our words are heard in the most important place in the universe, heard by the most important person(s). This applies to the most articulate and thoughtful collect and to the most desperate and half-uttered groan. 

All this, relationship and access, happen to us together. As Johnson points out in the book we are reading this Lent, not just “my Father,” but “our Father.” We are unified in Christ across dividing lines of class, race, and education as the children of God. Lovingly cared for, given remarkable access, and elevated together in dignity. We are all included and invited.

That’s a whole lot of miracle packed into only two words. What these words engender in me is confidence. Confidence in Christ. Confidence in prayer. Confidence to pray. Because of Jesus we have a Father, who cares for us and is eager to respond. We have access. And we are drawn together and included, no matter our sin or lack of qualification. In his remarkable book on prayer, Anthony Bloom instructs the novice pray-er with this metaphorical language, “Simply turn your eyes Godwards, smile at Him and go into it.” More simply, enjoy the miracle, with confidence. 

The COTC women’s retreat is this weekend. The men’s retreat is next weekend (it is filling up fast!). Both of these retreats will include a focus on and times of prayer, alone and together. Please join me in praying for rich times of communion together and with God. I know that many of us have been blessed by David Taylor’s written prayers on social media. Next Thursday at 7pm, David will be leading a time to learn and practice writing such prayers. If you’re interested in participating please let me know, we’d love to have you there! 

With you in Christ and in prayer,


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