The Joyful Journey

We are really excited to welcome Briana Hayes as our new Director of Children's Formation! Briana and her family have been an important part of our community these past few years and serve in a variety of ways. Briana has a ton of experience and a particular passion for children's place in the church. Briana wrote up thisshort intro, and we'll pray for her this Sunday. This week's enews is from Karen Walker, who leads our prayer team. 

Dear COTC, 

In Exodus, the Lord tells Moses, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. I have come down to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a land that is both good and spacious” (Exodus 3:7-8a, emphasis mine). Essentially, God says:

I can see you.
I can hear you.
I can understand how hard this is for you.
I am glad to be with you.
I can do something about what you are going through.
(from Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel)

How badly do we also need to hear this message from God! Knowing someone is with us in our difficult experiences and painful emotions is essential to processing them successfully. Perceiving God’s constant, loving presence often eludes us however. Prayer, not just talking to God, but also listening, silence, meditation on His Word, and especially practicing gratitude expand our capacity to connect with God. We also often can sense His nearness when we pray together.

This Sunday we’ll have another extended time of prayer and worship with prayer ministers who would be happy to pray with you. Nothing is too big or small. Soon we’ll resume having them available during communion each Sunday. These prayer ministers will listen, pray with you, and, if you’re willing, bless you in God’s name anointing you with holy oil as a sign and reminder of God’s healing presence with you always.You can also submit prayer requests to the staff and prayer team here or on the Connect Cards each Sunday. You can submit requests anonymously or include your email if you’d like one of the clergy or myself to pray with you or to just follow up on your request. You’re also invited to bring your prayer needs to Midday Prayer every Wednesday at noon. 

If you are interested in praying for others, we have various groups praying in different ways throughout the week, for our worship services, for prayer requests, for the health and well-being of our staff, leaders, and participants. To find out more, please contact me.

Karen Walker
Prayer Team Lead