It's Almost Fall Y'all


I haven't lived in my home state of Missouri since 2005, but each August/September, I get a bit homesick, mostly longing for Fall or at least signs of it. This is my first summer in Austin, and so far, August here doesn't feel much different than August in Arizona, the state we moved here from; although this is Monsoon Season in Phoenix, which means rain and Haboobs. I started noticing myself longing for signs of Fall this week, so I decided to listen to songs about Fall. This may have been more harmful than helpful, as I am now longing for Fall even more. I know it's been an especially hot summer for Austin, so I'm guessing I'm not alone in my longing for cooler temps and other signs of a change in seasons.

While Fall takes longer to reach Austin that some of the country, school starts back up for most children in a couple of weeks, and at Church of the Cross, we'll be having our Fall Kick Off on 8/28. Fall Kick Off means neighborhood groups starting back up, The Garden will be open again, youth group will be meeting regularly, and opportunities to sign up to serve on our many volunteer teams. We'll have information tables about all of these things so y'all can learn more, sign up, etc. We'll also have a potluck-style meal with COTC providing the main dish. If you have friends, neighbors, etc. that you've been thinking about inviting to COTC, The Fall Kick Off is a great time to invite them. We'll share a few more details as 8/28 gets closer, but for now, be sure to have it on your calendar.

I'm looking forward to seeing more and more of our parishioners return over the next several weeks. It's such a gift and privilege for so many to travel and escape the heat over the summer, but it's also a gift to welcome y'all back. We'll also be welcoming the Coelho Family back after their sabbatical in just a couple of weeks. Additionally, we've welcomed a lot of visitors over the summer, so if you notice someone on a Sunday that you don't recognize, be sure to introduce yourself and extend a sign of God's peace to them. The COTC staff is looking forward to kicking off the Fall and seeing what God has in store for COTC in this next season, both as a parish and as a parish that is part of a neighborhood and a quickly growing city. 

Be sure to check out the announcements section below because with Fall coming the COTC schedule is picking up and we have a lot of save the dates. 

PS-- if you too are a glutton for punishment, this is one of my favorite songs from my Fall playlist Autumn in New York, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

With peace, love, and joy,

Kimberly DeckelComment